Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thanksgiving, Baptism, and a Blessing

This year for thanksgiving we all headed over to my parents house and enjoyed the deep fried turkey together!!! It was great to see family that came from out of town and watch all the cousins hangout! Its always a busy day but so much fun. I always feel like I need to do a cleanse after thanksgiving food. Its all amazing but so heavy and lets be honest we all over eat on that day or for the next 2- 3 days (leftovers!)
I am so thankful to be close to family and spend time with each other during this season of gratitude. My heart feels so full for the many blessing that we have and I try to always count them each and every day. To try and do that everyday of the year and not just on thanksgiving. I love my savior and the gospel and thank him for a wonderful husband and son who bring so much happiness to my life.
Over the long weekend we also had a baptism and a baby blessing. So many great events, glad we could be apart of it!
Almost all the cousins

Congrats to this beautiful girl on getting baptized. We are so proud of you Hannah (on the left) and happy we could be there for your special day! This adorable little man Micah was blessed that Sunday as well. We are so glad you are here Micah!

Cruise to Mexico

This last October Gerret and I were able to go on a cruise to Cozumel and Progresso Yucatan Mexico with our friends Sean and awesome wife Becky! It was a very much need escape from work, school and more work. I am incredibly grateful to my parents for watching the little man while we were gone for the week. I though it was gonna be a little bit more difficult to leave him but after about a day I gotta say with was Wonderful!!! Don't get me wrong I missed the Monkey but, was still a great break.
while we were in Progresso we went to the Chichen- Itza ruins. They were beautiful and one of the seven wonders of the world. Our tour guide was very informative about the Mayan ruins and there history down there. They were still excavating close to the ruins. and are still discovering more underground that they haven't gotten to yet.

We got to Cozumel and the beaches were beautiful, the water was warm, the sand was white, fish tacos, and there was shopping! what more could you ask for;) This was a fun day. we were persuaded into renting a scooter. which was really fun glad we did, and we cruised down the coast a little bit to a beach that had a pool, shopping and a restaurant. we laid out there for a few hours and just relaxed it was awesome I did not want to leave that spot.

This was the first time I went on a cruise and it wont be the last. It really is a great way to vacation see parts of the world and relax, and have everything taken care of for you. So glad we could go and already looking forward to our next one!!!!
Here are some pictures from the trip.

Carnival cruise ship!
Chichen-Itza ruins they are massive and beautiful!

These are at Cozumel the water is perfect.

These are toward the end of the trip;( we had such a great time so glad we could go with good friends. We were able to stop off in Houston and do a temple session there. It was a great way to end the trip!
Had to get a virgin Pina Colada!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Morning Run

I have been really pushing myself to get out of bed first thing in the morning and work out. That's my time to do something good for me and De-stress. I know if I don't do it then, it wont be happening that day. It was pretty chilly this morning but, absolutely beautiful out. so glad I was able to find the drive in me to get out this morning to get a picture of this during my run.
totally made me appreciate all the beautiful things God has created and for gorgeous sunrises:)

Friday, November 11, 2011


Lately it feels like time is flying by so fast, and I hate how the stores already have Christmas decorations out before Halloween. Cant we enjoy each season! I for one have difficulty taking the time to be content with each new thing that happens. whether its with Connor or Gerret, my business or just life in general. I am always pushing and thinking about what comes next and how to get there. Its something that's a work in progress for me. With this feeling of time speeding up I am going to try and be better about enjoying each phase or schedule and look for the good in all of it. Its challenging and easy to get wrapped up in the day to day tasks. Gerret has a very busy schedule not allowing for lots of time together and with my growing business which I am so thankful for. I don't step back and allow myself to feel joy in all that we do have.

I love and am so grateful to my father in heaven for all the blessing even the ones that.... I will just say it don't feel like blessing at all. I do know that there are lessons in everything and the lord will teach them to us one way or an other. I am grateful for a loving family and a husband who works so incredible hard at his job and is always trying to excel in his job and in himself, who loves Connor and I so much. I am blessed by being able to fall in love with another little man who has stolen my heart, who is teaching me much patience;) and is so much fun to have in our home and family I cant imagine my life without him. I am fortunate to have the ability to be a stay at home mom and have the skill to work on the side to help carry the load. I love what I am able to do and make a direct impact on someones life and health. I am thankful to be here in Texas. I miss California but, there are so many great things about being here that I know at one point if we do ever leave Texas, its gonna be really hard.

This turned into what I am grateful for post which allowed me to really contemplate whats important and that is family and our savior and gospel because without him and his sacrifice we wouldn't have much. I am gonna enjoy this moment and the time that I have to take it;)

Time for a hair cut

Connor has tons of hair! Its crazy in the morning and after every nap it has been getting a little out of control look like a little Albert Einstein. I have been reluctant to cut it because its so cute long and shaggy. I decided with the holidays coming and us getting ready to go out of town in december it was time for a trim. well the girl I go to for my hair Beth she is awesome! took off 2 inches of hair on his head. she said she has never taken that much hair off a one year old before;) He did a great job during the whole process. I must say to he looks so handsome and clean cut now;) I love the look and feeling of your hair right after a cut so healthy and shiny.

here are some before and afters.

It was hard to get a shot of him afterwards he was ready to run around by then. He looks clean cut I love it;)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Trick or Treating!

Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween! We certianly did this year. I normally dont get into Halloween so much at least since I was a teenager I haven't gotten into it. With kids though its so much fun and cool to get them dressed up! We went over to my brother house this year to go trick or treating in there neighborhood. It ws a super fun night we had chilli and cupcakes before heading out. We went trick or treating with superman, Thor, a cowboys cheerleader, and my monkey.The only one that really understood what was going on was Thor a.k.a Ethan. Next year Connor will have better grasp on whats going on. Looking forward to next year, I already know what we are all gonna be! Thanks Danny and Veronica for having us it was a great night;)

I wasn't able to get a picture of Thor he was pretty fast in getting to those doors!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumkin Patch

I love, Love, love this time of year. So many fun holidays lots of time with the family and fun traditions to do. In the spirit of the fall season we went to a pumpkin patch and it was Ella's 2nd Birthday!! It was some what of a trek to the pumpkin patch but, I will say I was impressed. Its so cute and will worth the drive. We will be adding this to tradition list for sure. There was a petting zoo, hay ride and a wagon ride as well, and plenty of pumpkins all over the place! Ella seemed to have a great time as well. Happy birthday Ella!!!!

Here is the birthday girl having a good time!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Connors Birthday at the Park

I cant believe Connor will be one tomorrow. Where has this year gone. We were able to celebrate the big "ONE" at the park with family and a few friends. He enjoyed the swings, walking around on the grass not knowing what to think of his shadow, and of course his cake! He mostly rubbed it all over his face and hardly got any of it in his mouth, but we loved watching this first for him!
We are so fortunate to have you in our family Connor, we love you SO much. This year we both have grown in many ways and I look forward to what the next year brings!

Happy Birthday little man!

Monday, October 3, 2011

New Pictures

I wanted to get some pictures of Connor taken around his first birthday, So I asked my friend Kylie to take some and they all turned out great, I love them! thank you so much for doing this. This little man has gotten big fast and I know this will only continue;)

Check out some of the cute pics we got!

I adore that smile of his;)

He is walking

Connor started walking about three weeks ago and he is pretty much running now. well not quite, he gets super excited now that he is moving and builds his momentum and his legs have a hard time keeping up with him. He is literally tripping all the time. This poor kid has so many bruises and scrapes now.
He has discovered a whole new world now that he is totally mobile. He can now climb onto the couch, open doors, attempt to climb into the bath tub, climb up the stairs this one is scary, and as always get into anything he sets his eyes on.
I cant believe this little boy is gonna be a year old on the 11th of this month. where did this year go? I still feel like we only had him a few days ago.
Here is a short video of him walking!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Not so crafty

I do not have the crafty hand for projects. Its something that I would like to develop a hobby for, it just takes time and money. Two things I am very particular with now. My friend Rachel is the craft queen and is very talented in that avenue. So we had a little craft day where she showed me how to make some cute onsies with ties, along with cheap frames from Ikea and jungle animals to go along with Connors room.

Love how easy these Tie shirts turned out and how super easy they were I have some cute gift Ideas now;)

The Animal frames where easy but only because they were done on a Cricut. something I would like to get in the future. They pretty much do all the work you pick the paper and design put the cartridge in pick the dimensions and let it do all the cutting.
Love my little projects! So excited to do more soon;)

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I mentioned in a previous post that Connor always crawls around with a toy or dragging something along side of him. Well this is his new favorite thing to keep at his side

lately he has been crawling around with this stuffed Hershey kiss bag I got Gerret while were dating as one of his valentines gifts. I guess Connor is putting it to go use now;) glad we didn't get rid of it. He loves that kiss;)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer family fun!

Our family doesn't get together very often so when we do and can, we always have a good time together with lots of laughs. My brother and beautiful family came up from Houston and we were able to do some fun things while they were here. Its really nice to see all the cousins playing and the little ones playing too! We were able to have plenty of pool time, sprinkler parks and the Aquarium, and of course BBQ s and lots of food! Things tend to be centered around food in our family as I am sure its that way in most;) We went to the Aquarium that just opened called Sea Life in the Grapevine mills mall. It was fun a small place, but cool to see once every few years. When Connor gets older and can actually point to a fish and understand what it is, we can take him again. Here are some pictures of our fun week with the family in no particular order. Can I just say it is really hard to get a picture with all the kids together so the one I have was the best I could do. Something to work on for next time;