Sunday, December 14, 2008

Texas Here We Come!

For all of you who don't know yet, Sarah and I are moving to Texas! Well, technically I am already in Texas and have been since Monday, but Sarah will be here shortly when she drives out with her brother Daren and his family for Christmas. After a long and fruitless attempt at finding employment in Southern California, we decided an attempt at the less affected Dallas region was in order. I had my first interview already this week and it went great, so things are looking up. Although we will miss our friends in sunny Southern California, we know that there are new experiences and relationships in store for us in Texas. Both Sarah and I have brothers that live here in the Dallas region with their families and it will be great to see them much more often. We also will be staying with Sarah's parents until I can find employment and save up enough for an apartment of our own. We have mixed feelings about this move, but we both have an overwhelmingly strong feeling that this is the step we need to take right now in our lives. We appreciate the love and hospitality that my parents have shown us while we have lived with them over the past 5 months.

Sarah is looking forward to a well-deserved break from work once I get a job. She has been such an inspiration and blessing to me over these past months. She has been my beacon and my strength during this difficult time. I appreciate her more than can possibly be described for the amount of hard work that she has put in to keep us on our feet and I am so glad that she is such a good worker and has a job that she enjoys. I will always remember the sacrifices she has made in our behalf and I will make it up to her. She will have a sugar daddy very soon (I hope).

For all of those we have left behind, farewell. We love and will miss you. For those of you whom we will now see more often, we can't wait to see you and share this time of our lives with you. And to everybody, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Crystal said...

Yay!!! Oh my christmas wish DID come true!! This is great news!

Mel said...

We are sooooo sad you guys are leaving especially Gavin. Hope everything works out for you guys & that you'll be back here soon!

Danny and Veronica said...

Best of luck in your new adventure! We love you and wish you the best! Have a Merry Christmas!

Eric and Amy said...

We knew you wouldn't be able to resist the tug of good ol' Texas for too long. Y'all will love it here ;). Get practicing on that Texas twang! So glad you're moving close by! The Lord works in mysterious ways, and we pray this move will be answer to your prayers!

Chela and Peter said...

Congratulations on making a tough decision and realizing that you two are so young, you have time to move around and experience this lovely country in many ways. It will be great for you to be with so much family!

Although everyone here will miss you, we wish you all the best. Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad and a very Happy New Year!

Dave said...

Hello!!! of course you are coming to Dallas. Because its the BOMB!