Thursday, November 27, 2008


In the spirit of this Thanksgiving holiday, Gerret and I have soooo much to be thankful for. Even though it's hard at times to think of all the good things, we really are so blessed. We are grateful to have each other, to have a home to live in, and to have parents who love us. We are grateful to be able to have a job right now. I am so thankful to be able to practice massage and help people. We are happy to live near the beach. We are blessed to have the gospel in our lives. What comfort this brings to me, especially right now when there are so many things that are challeging us and the circumstances that we are in. We love all our family members and friends and cherish the relationships we have with all of you. We love and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

I was really excited to try to make dessert for Thanksgiving this year. Those of you who know me well, know that I am not really an accomplished chef at all, but I was able to make this yummy pumpkin cheesecake and this is how it turned out.
It has whipped cream topping with toasted almonds and caramel topping. Mmmmmm, can't wait to eat it. I though it turned out pretty dang good. I am so proud of myself!...and Gerret.

1 comment:

Eric and Amy said...

Yummy, that dessert looks fantastic! We'll have to divvy out food duties for Christmas...and you're not getting off scott-free with the looks of that creation!

Seriously, I think it's time you guys packed up and move to Big-D. My unbiased opinion ;).