Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight Mania!

On Thursday night at midnight I was in line with about three hundred other chicks waiting to see the first showing of twilight. It was insane and funny to see how into it they all were. Everyone was screaming and giggling. There were so many twelve year old girls with their dads as their chaperone whitch was cute. He really took one for the team by taking all these screaming overly excited girls to see the movie.
Okay so I am anxious to see what everyone thinks of the movie. There was sooo much hype for this film. I liked it but was disappointed because no movie can really ever measure up to the book and how you play everything out in your mind. All the small details there vocies the way you imagin them to look all that good stuff. I know they tried really hard to capture all the highlighted points of the storyline but it just doesn't compare. I knew there was a good chance that I would be disappointed but was hoping for more. I want to hear what you all thought of the movie. Do you feel the same way or was it the best movie that you have ever seen like I know several chicks feel.

This was the line wound all the was around the movie theater outside.

I know I know what your thinking how lame but my friend talked me into it so if I did it everyone else was forced to also.

So what are your thoughts how did you feel about it yay or nay?

1 comment:

Danny and Veronica said...

I love the shirts! Ok, I agree on the disappointment, and I can relate now on how people say, "the book is always better." But, I thought they did really well with what they had, considering it was probably low budget. I think the next ones will be better with graphics and stuff.