Monday, May 19, 2008

The Best Feeling.....

So my last day at work was Friday May 16. For the last year I have been working at Cayuga Medical center as a hospital aide in the operating room. It was a very interesting experience needless to say i have seen some very scary and unusual things there. I am soooooo happy to say that i finally don't have to work there any longer, most know that i hated my job I was very mistreated and stretched to the max. They were really short staffed so I had to do more work than I should have had for the position that I was in. Ithaca really doesn't have many jobs, so you either work at the hospital or Cornell not much to choose from.

I ended up with the hospital believe me I would have left after the first month but it's SO incredible hard to find jobs in this town when you find something you have to keep it. It was the best feeling to me to walk out those door and know I never have to come back and work there again it was priceless to me, Iam sure for those who have had to deal with a job that you just despise completely understand the feeling, it's great!!.

I did meet some really cool people though that made the difference for me while working at the hospital. We went out for a little goodbye party on Friday night. Aside from all the negative comments I have made in the past about this place I will miss some of the people that I worked with. Thank you so much for helping me get through this year at work, I can honestly say it was one of the hardest and emotional jobs I have ever had.

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